This was a really easy make. We started by gathering our materials: the aforementioned box o'wine, some apple cider vinegar with live "mother", and a clean 1 quart mason jar.:
We then decanted (deboxed?) the wine into the mason jar:
Next, we added a splash of the unpasteurized, "live" apple cider vinegar:
We then placed a paper towel over the vinegar-to-be, and placed it in the cupboard:
In a few weeks/months, we should have either vinegar, or the cure for the common cold! :)
Really... that's all you have to do?? LOVE some red wine vinegar, might have to have a go at making my own. I'll be slightly more classy (sorry have to give you a poke for the wine box ;) as Daim delivers wine for a living and we happen to have some 70bottles still in cases! Oh the joys of a monthly 'bonus' that we get faster than we can drink! lol