Sunday, March 25, 2012

Make 12: Red Wine Vinegar

     Given that we've been making a lot of projects that involve fermentation, this one should come as no surprise. We use a lot of red wine vinegar for salads, etc., and we had a partially used, aging box of wine (don't judge us) that was either going to be thrown away or used for cooking. So we decided to try our hand at vinegar making!
     This was a really easy make. We started by gathering our materials: the aforementioned box o'wine, some apple cider vinegar with live "mother", and a clean 1 quart mason jar.:

We then decanted (deboxed?) the wine into the mason jar:

Next, we added a splash of the unpasteurized, "live" apple cider vinegar:

We then placed a paper towel over the vinegar-to-be, and placed it in the cupboard:

In a few weeks/months, we should have either vinegar, or the cure for the common cold! :)

1 comment:

  1. Really... that's all you have to do?? LOVE some red wine vinegar, might have to have a go at making my own. I'll be slightly more classy (sorry have to give you a poke for the wine box ;) as Daim delivers wine for a living and we happen to have some 70bottles still in cases! Oh the joys of a monthly 'bonus' that we get faster than we can drink! lol
